Donnerstag, 16. Juli 2015

Quarter Street

Bringing back the gritty and street flavour of the old Salsa sound is the mission of Melbourne's "Quarter Street" who are about to give you a first impression on their upcoming selftitled album.

So practically you won't encounter many surprises on this album - It's that old school Salsa approach with vibrant percussions, dynamic horns and lively vocals. Practically, because this straight forward and analog way of doing things has become absent in many contemporary releases with shiny pop sounds and branded appearences. Quarter Street is more oriented towards older and more authentic bands of this great latin tradition. Thus its no wonder that you can find a tribute to one of those groups in the cover version of The Brooklyn Sounds' incredible "Libre Soy". The opener "Fantasia" is already available for streaming and this one will surely stimulate your appetite for this record.

Get the stream on Bandcamp.

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