Approaching a new installment to Jazzman's incredible Spiritual Jazz series always takes some patience and the listeners attention. If you listen only briefly you probably won't get the excellence of this music which truly unfolds to the careful listener - and how it does on this release!
So now it's time for volume 6 which focusses on vocal recordings and thus on sometimes even more obscure tracks. Take a track like "Rain Forest" by Dr. Haki R. Madhubuti - what a monumental trip in musical arrangements and poetry. But you will also find different vibes on this one like Byron Morris' "Sunshower" or the exquisite and funky "Celestial Blues" by Gary Bartz. It probably goes without without saying that we are talking about rare records and interpretations of some classics like Vibration Society's version of "Spirits Up Above", that you will hardly find anywhere else.
The release will be in a few days on Jazzman Records. Get the full stream on Bandcamp.
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