Donnerstag, 12. März 2015

David Philips - If I Had Wings

After listening to the first single "Angel" you could already tell that David Philips' fourth record "If I Had Wings" would be a good one. Now it is here and it's definitely living up to the expectations.

David Philips is not only the singer and songwriter behind all ten tracks, he is also behind every other instrument you will hear on this album (he even created the cover art) except for some drums and the saxophone in "Venomous Soul". The guitar and soulful singing blend perfectly with the minimal instrumentation that also includes various electronic elements. Philips is always keeping it simple though he manages to stretch a number of tunes beyond the seven minute mark. This might be due to the fact that he knows when he's got a good vibe going and he surely knows how to make the most of it through simple solos and just some nice and calming moods.

Stream a few of the tracks on the Black and Tan Records' Soundcloud.

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